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The Holy Family Catholic Primary School

Year 6

May 2023


Year 6

In forest school, Year 6 were visited by a special friend: Bluey. They had to make a shelter for Bluey which would keep him safe. It had to protect him from rain and wind and be strong enough to stay up. Year 6 had to use teamwork and make it an inviting place for Bluey to live.

Year 6

In Year 6, we have been looking at climate change and how to look after our world. In the forest school, we could either create pictures of David Attenborough or Greta Thunberg. Take a look at our work and see if you can work out who we chose!


Year 6 - March 2023

For LOTC day, Year 6 went down to the forest school. We made up songs about the Amazon Rainforest and performed them to each other.

Year 6

In English we have been learning about different genres, such as: horror, romance, thriller, myths and legends etc. In LOTC, we were put into groups. We were then given a genre to freeze frame. The rest of the class had to guess which genre we were showing. See if you can guess!

Year 6

In forest school, Year 6 have been consolidating their fractions learning! Each group was given a sheet of different fractions, such as half, quarter and eighths. We had to represent these fractions in any way we wanted. Some of us chose to do fraction walls, some did pizza pictures and some of showed the numerator and denominator.

October and November 2022 update


Year 6

In forest school, Year 6 have been making models of the digestive system using the resources around us. We have been learning about the digestive system in Science. We could explain the different parts of the digestive system: the mouth, oesophagus, intestines and stomach.



In forest school, Year 6 have been making models of the digestive system using the resources around us. We have been learning about the digestive system in Science. We could explain the different parts of the digestive system: the mouth, oesophagus, intestines and stomach.
