Applications September 2024 are open! Places available for tours with the head on 4th December. Please contact the school office to book a place on 01707375518.
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The Holy Family Catholic Primary School



Reception read the story ‘God Knows My Name’ and we spoke how special and unique our names are. We then collected a range of natural materials and made the first letter of our name.


“I have the letter ‘M’ at the beginning of my name!”

“We near to keep safe around the pond!”

“I need to use leaves to make the ‘O’ in my name!”

“I can use a feather to make the first letter in my name!”

“I found some twigs to make the letter ‘A’ of my name!”



Reception took their maths learning into the forest school. We explored number 3.

We worked in groups of 3 to spot groups of 3 objects in the environment or find 3 objects.


I found 3 plus 3.



I spotted this. It has 3 bumpy things. 3 pieces of wood.



2 sticks plus one stick make 3 sticks.

Olivia and Luna


I found three stick and 3 leaves.



I found 3 sticks, three leaves and 3 stones.


There are 3 plants here and some more.


I have 3.



We have three altogether.

Iylah, Mabel and Vienna


After learning about our 5 senses, Reception went on a field walk to discover what they could see, hear, feel and smell. We then recorded what we had found by drawing a picture on our sheet.


“I have found a feather – it feels soft!”

“I can see the leaves on the floor!”

“I can hear the aeroplane in the sky!”

“I can smell the pond!”

“I can feel the grass on the ground!”
