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The Holy Family Catholic Primary School




Reception shared a book from home that Elissa and Harriet had brought in called ‘My mummy’s an Engineer!’ We spoke about the different jobs that our grown-ups do and the children discussed what they also do to help them at home.


“My daddy is a plumber and my mummy is an English teacher – they work hard so we can buy things!”


“My mummy designs planes!”



“My grandad is a builder – he wears a white hat because he is the boss!”



“An engineer is someone that helps build and design things!”



“My mummy is a painter and she paints other people’s houses!”


Reception went on a scavenger hunt to look for natural materials and minibeasts in our learning environment! We talked about nature and the different habitats we had found.


“There is a smooth leaf over there!”


“I’ve found another slug - there are two!”


“Look Mrs Whorlow! I have found a snail!”


“Is that a caterpillar or a slug under the wood?”


“I saw a bird flying in the sky!”

March 2023


“We went outside to the forest school to look for things to collect to make our own rocket!”

World Outdoor Classroom Day - 3rd November 2022


For outdoor learning we have been exploring the outdoor learning area and seeing what we can find. We started by practicing sitting on the logs, remembering to not walk near the fire pit. Next we walked round the different areas to see what we could find. Children found the pond, and noticed lots of leaves in the water, a hill what was fun to run up, and lots of trees to walk around.

29th September 2022


In Reception we have had lots of fun this week exploring the outside area and seeing what we can find! We went on a leaf hunt around the trees to compare what colours and sizes of leaves we could find. It then started to rain, so we had lots of fun jumping in the puddles and watching the big splashes! We talked about where the rain came from and looked up to find some rain clouds.
